This book is a composition of Dance By Definition modules using Basic, Mainstream and PLUS figures.

This book contains two sections: part one is patter sequences with each page highlighting, in most cases, one call in various DBD sequences; part two contains singing call sequences that use many of the calls in part one to give the dancers a “Real DBD Dance” experience.

Each page layout has two sequences written in full English (no shorthand) and a large print format for easy viewing while calling. When the book is opened flat, there are four sequences available.

Once your dancers have become proficient with the calls highlighted in part one, you can then move to part two of the book, which offers the singing call modules.  It is my opinion that the singing call is the icing on the cake for most square dancers. They must be able to dance the calls with smooth body flow and in the correct timing provided by a singing call.  

Here is a sample of the covers and a few pages from the PLUS DBD book to give you an idea of the layout!

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