Digital Presentation

Have you ever thought about going Digital?

As Square Dance Callers and Round Dance Cuers we have several options now to play our music.   We have several different types of players as well as music file types.

In the old days it used to be vinyl records.  Now CD’s, Mini Disk, IPod’s, Tablets, Laptop computers, you may even choose to use your Android phone ….   Take your pick.

I have had the pleasure of presenting several Digital Music sessions to various groups.   If you have a laptop and would like some guidance on how to get started with music recording, view these presentations

They are fully active slide shows so double click the file and sit back and relax.   Once finished simply close the window.

 (Load speed will depend on your connection.   You can “page down” through the presentation if the automation is too slow)

Presentation – 1  (CALLERLAB 2005) – (PDF Format)  .. Presentation – 2 (CALLERLAB 2007) – (PDF Format)

Music Management Program Comparison – Link

Digital Info Link – 1  … Digital info Link – 2 …

What Connectors do you need …  Connecting to Hilton EquipmentAvailable Software