About Jeff

Jeff Priest
– International Caller, Teacher and Entertainer!

Jeff began dancing at age 7 and calling at age 9. He began his calling career in 1965 in the clubs his parents’ (Lloyd & Vivian Priest) ran. Jeff calls and teaches Party nights thru A-2. He currently has clubs dancing Basic, Mainstream, Plus, Plus DBD & Advanced 1 & 2.

With over 35 years’ experience of training callers, he enjoys working with new callers and sharing his knowledge and insights. Jeff also works with experienced callers, refreshing their memories and introducing them to some new ideas as well.  In addition to running his own Schools through Canadian Callers College, he has worked on several schools across Canada and in the USA.

Jeff has served in many positions on the T & D (Toronto and District Square and Round Dance Association Inc.) executive including two terms as President. He also served on the T & D Convention Committee as Business Manager and Program Chairman from 1984 – 2013. He currently serves on the SWOSDA (South Western Ontario Square & Round Dance Association Inc.) executive and was the Program Chairman for the 2008 and 2018 Canadian National Conventions held in London Ontario.

Jeff joined CALLERLAB in 1981 and serves on several committees including M.S., PLUS, & ADVANCED. He was the Chairman of the International Callers Advisory Committee from 2010 – 2019.

He has conducting three Digital Music Sessions at CALLERLAB Conventions and has also conduct seminars for T & D and SWOSDA on topics such as: Showmanship, Digital Music, Creative Choreography, Sight Calling and Singing Call Modules.

Jeff has written five books to assist callers in teaching Basic, Mainstream and Plus. These books are Teaching Systems using Modules for Singing calls to ensure that callers teach all the calls on the programs independently of any other call on that program and can use each of them in a singing call.

His newest book is called PLUS DBD. This book presents both patter and singing call modules using DBD variations on Basic, Mainstream and Plus figures.

Jeff has called in several parts of Canada, United States & Europe.

1-519-752-2172 – jeff@jeffreypriest.com


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